If you have ever trained with me, you will know that I am a big believer in core fitness. I run classes specifically designed to develop and strengthen core muscles and I talk about it all the time in training sessions! My obsession with it is not however related to achieving a flat and toned beach ready tummy – it…
My goodness, we really are being tested right now! Lockdown 2021 has been tough – short dark days, freezing cold weather, missing family & friends, home-schooling (shall I continue?). A few of my clients have been in touch to say that they are struggling to keep motivated with exercise and are starting to avoid it which in turn is bringing…
I often get asked by clients if is safe to exercise during pregnancy. Unless you have an underlying health, condition which prevents you from exercising during pregnancy or are experiencing complications, I believe that it is perfectly safe, and I would encourage anyone to do so. This is mainly because there are many proven mental and physical benefits of keeping…
We all know that core exercises are good for us, but do you include them in your fitness routine? I want to highlight the benefits of training your core and why it should be included in a fitness programme. While it may be good motivation to look good on the beach, strengthening your core isn’t the only reason to get…
Exercise For Positive Mental Health during The Covid-19 Crisis In this isolation period it is more important than ever to look after our mental health. We are all currently facing stressful life challenges – aside from worrying about our health, some of us have no income, limited social contact and are feeling lonely. The fear of the unknown is terrifying…